How can you ensure 100% best quality?
eLuxury CO is managed by professional and sophisticated suppliers who are committed to researching and manufacturing the best quality replica on the market.Our experts are constantly researching all kinds of authentic bags to make sure that you can get the the best quality replica. Our goal is not to manufacture knockoff materials for the cheapest possible price. It is to provide the highest standard available, closest to the authentic piece as possible, down to the very stitch. We work directly with the worldwide manufacturer to ensure that our designer replica handbags are handcrafted, perfectly cut, and carefully stitched.
We provide 7 Star Mirror Image, Made 99% identical to the Authentic bags. All our products are made with the same materials as the original handbags, including cowhide leather, lambskin , crocodile, ostrich, nappa leather. Etc. They are identical in every way right down to the serial numbers embossed on each item. Each handbag comes with all the accessories included in the original item such as tags, straps. When comparing with original bags, it is very hard to tell the difference. Overall, Its aesthetic presentation can convince almost anyone. Besides,each item is inspected before shipment to ensure the highest quality standards.
Unlike many of our competitors we provide detailed photos of our products which are taken professionally by our staff. The product photos that we provide on this website show the actual bag you will receive. Our competitors will often sell items at seemingly cheaper prices than we do. Many of these cheaper bags are manufactured with man-made leather and cheap hardware. We are constantly working to improve our products, services, and website to make your shopping experience at eLuxury a pleasant one. If you are not satisfied with your bags, simply email us at: [email protected] and we will promptly solve the problems.
How to keep your the LV leather become honey color and keep leather from cracking?
The Louis Vuitton bags that we are selling are 100% made of genuine leather-fine quality untreated cowhide leather .
The handle or straps look palm white ,but they will all develop a natural patina, a dark honey color, over age. So if you want them to change to darken faster,below are some tips to make your bags look more natural and original.
*** lightest Honey : Wipe the leather with Sheep Oil by hand
*** light Honey : Wipe the leather with Baby Oil by hand
*** Mid Honey Color : Wipe the leather with Baby Oil by suing cotton.
*** For dark Honey Color, repeat after a few days.
If exposed to sunlight for coloring, do not exposed directly to strong sunlight. Also, change the position frequently so as not to hurt the bag.